Changes to project framework

Sometimes things happen that make it neccessary to make changes to a project. It is important to report these changes to RRF Oslo as soon as possible.

When a project receives a grant from RRF Oslo, it is the project as described in the application, along with any changes agreed upon that has received funding. The grant is given on condition that the project be implemented as agreed. 

If a need for change to the project arises compared to what has been approved in your grant or funding contract, this has to be agreed upon with the secretariate. 

This applies to changes such as: 

  • Project administrator
  • Project manager (principal investigator)
  • Change in project partners
  • Changes to the project description
  • Significant deviations from activities, milestones or organisation
  • Changes to the budget of more than 5% or 10 000 NOK to a budget line (as compared to the budget) 
  • Delays over one month

Requests changs in the project are sent by e-mail to the secretariate of RRF Oslo.

Remember to state your project number when you apply for a change to the project. 

Messages at time of print 22 February 2025, 06:44 CET

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